I surrender all fear, all doubt.
I let go of all uncertainty.
I know there is no confusion, no lack of confidence.
I know that what is mine will claim me, know me, rush to me.
I accept the gift of Life for myself and for everyone else.
~ Ernest Holmes
What a fabulous visual and statement…I know that what is mine will claim me, know me, rush to me! I surrender all my thoughts about what ‘could’ happen for what IS. All is in Divine Right Order in my life. As Spirit flows through me, I open all the doors within me to allow life and all its possibilities take root within me. As I do so, I realize that there is an ‘order’ to my expression. I relax into who I really am, to allowing Spirit to dance within me, move me in the perfect right direction of expression in all areas of my life. I embrace myself, my unique expression of life. The world I see is FULL of possibilities. My needs and desires are ALWAYS met.
I understand and absorb that the doors to each of my energy centers that fuel and nurture my entire being are permanently propped open. Universal light swirls effortlessly through me from crown to root chakra, from root to crown chakra! I am pure, shining white light expanding out from my heart center to each and every person on this planet, to all creatures big and small, to mother earth and her bounty, to the universe, affirming my union with All that Is. As I embody and extend this unconditional love, we are all transformed ~ Mother Earth is blessed and healed to the core.
I bless this day and, from my relaxed, open heart and mind, everything that I need to accomplish is done effortlessly. I am present in my life, I am happy, I am at peace, I am grateful for the honor of dancing on the earth at this time in history. Who I am makes a difference, my contributions are valuable and unique, clients and students are attracted to my light – it reflects and encourages into expression their own light. I am honored to serve and witness the awakening of Light on the earth through the people I serve. I trust Spirit will guide me each step of the way, that all my desires and needs will be met beautifully and magnificently. I wish peace, abundance and well being for myself and everyone on the planet. I bless this day!
Wonderful writing...keep it up.