As a child I was given the impression that when I was OLD, say 35, 40 or so, I would know everything, and would pass through wisdom's door. Once through the door, my hard work was done ~ I would be respected and looked up to and revered because I'd lived long enough to cross that 'old' age barrier into wisdom. I suppose I felt that life would be easy ~ I could sit on my throne and bequeath solutions like lollypops to those sitting at my feet taking in my brilliance!

What ACTUALLY happened was that ages 35, 40, 45, 50, and 60 came and went and I've arrived at 69 in one piece! I never saw the door or was moving through life too fast and furiously to recognize it. During this time my life was turned upside down and inside out! I'm pleased to say that I've entered a new phase, and it seems I've come full circle. Certain child-like qualities have re-surfaced in my life which makes an incredible amount of sense. My mind longs for the simple, easy way a child approaches each day, with a sprinkling of age's wisdom mixed in.
In the right ratio, I am beginning to live more in the present moment in a child-like awareness of how I feel ~ happy, sad or mad. These feelings come and go swiftly as I take action based upon my feelings. If I feel good, I keep doing it; if I hurt or feel bad, I STOP doing it immediately! There is no more 'enduring' people or situations that cause me or others a great deal of pain and anguish.
I also have permission to love people unconditionally with the pure, innocent heart of a child. Children don't spend the hours I did as a maturing adult, analyzing relationship issues inside/out, creating more confusion than clarity, then throwing up their hands and wanting to just walk away. No, in my child-like approach I can love anyone I choose, and I choose to love as many as I can; I see people through a mature child's eyes, able to see beyond the 'owies' to the gifts buried beneath the scars...and lo and behold, it's MAGIC! I do, indeed, see beauty and possibility!
I can embrace people openly, sharing 'me' with them. I'm free to be comfortable in my own skin...I love the 'me' I've become and now can focus on and see others and celebrate their unique gifts. We can play together and honor the innocent child within each other.
Why "inside out/upside-down"? Because, like many, I was taught that growing and evolving is painful, adult business ~ that in order to succeed I had to be willing to work myself out of balance, judge myself and others by stupendous standards, and agree that when one person wins there HAS to be a loser.
Now at age 69 I know better and I embrace the novelty of coming full circle and living EVERY minute fully!
I choose to stay on the road of Balance in all things...